The UK has reached a deal with the EU which allows member states to block unwanted European legislation, which may pave the way for Britain to stay in the EU with a renegotiated membership.
According to Reuters’ sources, the document is said to include a legally binding provision allowing a group of 55 percent or more member states to either stop EU legislation or demand changes, and may even include a clause allowing Britain to suspend benefit payments to migrants – one of David Cameron’s most controversial aims.
The European Council President Donald Tusk is due to present proposals later today that focus on keeping Britain in the EU, but altering its terms of participation. The deal reached on Monday covers just one of David Cameron’s aims for reform, and has been hailed a “breakthrough” negotiation. However, many are sceptical that Cameron’s aims will come to fruition, with Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond saying of the proposals due to be presented later:
“It may be that the document is so good that we say ‘brilliant’ – but I rather doubt it. I suspect that the document will be the basis of further work.”