Home News Chinese retail giant Alibaba make record ‘Singles Day’ sales

Chinese retail giant Alibaba make record ‘Singles Day’ sales

Chinese retail giant Alibaba make record ‘Singles Day’ sales

Online Chinese retail giant Alibaba Group (NYSE:BABA) have announced impressive sales so far during China’s biggest shopping day, with more than $1 billion being spent within an hour of midnight.

November 11th is ‘Singles Day’ in China, originally a day mocking Valentine’s Day for those not in relationships, in which stores offer huge discounts in a similar manner to America’s Cyber Monday. Alibaba Group have said that so far the value of merchandise it has sold online so far had surpassed last year’s total of $9.3 billion – and it is just past 4pm local time.

As speculation grows as to the health of China’s economy, Alibaba’s sales data has been closely watched as a gauge of Chinese consumption. These strong figures will come as a relief to those worried about growth in the world’s largest economy.