BSF Enterprise successful cultivated meat prototype

Standard listed BSF Enterprise (LON:BSFA) reports that its subsidiary 3d Bio-Tissues has produced three small prototype fillets of cultivated meat, which is a step towards a full-scale cultivated meat fillet. The share price has risen by 68.2% to 9.25p on the back of the news, having been higher earlier in the morning.

The cultivated meat fillets were 30mm in height and 15mm in diameter and weighed 5 grammes. They were some of the first 100% cultivated meat fillets produced in the world. The comparisons with conventional meat were described as “comprehensively positive”. Two were pan-fried and they kept their shape with minimal shrinkage.

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The company’s patented, serum-free and animal-free cell booster City-mix, which means that a plant-based scaffold is not required.

The first full-scale cultivated meat fillet should be showcased early next year.

Shell company BSF Enterprise acquired 3d Bio-Tissues in May. There was £1.75m raised in a placing at 7.37p a share at the same time. The share price is the highest it has been since just after the acquisition.

There have been many trades this morning. They have all been for less than £10,000 worth of shares.

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