
Aquis weekly movers: Chapel Down expects strong harvest

RentGuarantor Holdings (LON: RGG) is the best performer of the week even though there was no news except the announcement of an investor Q&A. There were four trades during the week. Three were on Tuesday and the fourth on Wednesday was a trade of 1,000 shares at 165p. The share price surged 26.9% to 165p.

Trading in the shares of Marula Mining (LON: MARU) prior to its interims pushed up the price by 6.67% to 2.4p. In the first half of 2022 there were no revenues and a loss of £169,000.

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Thixotropic gels manufacturer Unigel Group (LON: UNX) joined the Access segment of the Aquis Stock Exchange in August. There was £800,000 raised at 64p a share. The gels are used in the fibre optic industry. A maiden trading statement says that interim pre-tax profit was 94% ahead at £940,000. New products and higher selling prices boosted revenues and current trading is described as robust.

Hydrogen Utopia International (LON: HUI) had £3.2m left in the bank at the end of June 2022. There were no revenues in the first half. There was progress with waste plastic to energy project developments.

Wishbone Gold (LON: WSBN) had £2.38m in the bank at the end of June 2022. Drilling has commenced in Western Australia and Queensland in recent months.


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Clean Invest Africa (LON: CIA) was the worst performer on the Aquis Stock Exchange last week with a decline of 42.9% to 0.2p. Loan notes have been converted into shares helping the company turn net liabilities into net assets of £1.72m at the end of June 2022. The company’s CoalTech technology is proven in palletising coal fines or coal waste and management believes that other materials could be palletised.

VSA has downgraded its forecasts for battery storage technology developer Invinity Energy Systems (LON: IES) following interim figures. First half revenues were £1.4m and the order book is worth £13m – mainly relating to the second half. However, 2022 revenues were downgraded from £14.1m to £11m. Next year’s revenues have been upgraded from £20.6m to £23.7m. Cash is likely to run out later next year. The shares are 20.3% lower at 25.5p.

Coinsilium (LON: COIN) reported a net fair value gain on financial assets of £163,000 in the first half of 2022. However, the value of cryptocurrency assets has declined. Net assets have fallen from £5.84m to £4.57m. There was a 15.9% fall in the share price to 1.85p.

All Things Considered (LON: ATC) investee company Driift has acquired interactive live streaming events platform Dreamstage, which has been used by Driift for its own events. Deezer will invest a further £4m into the combined business. Music management business All Things Considered increased interim revenues by 19% to £6m and the loss was reduced. Net cash is £1.5m. A full year loss is expected compared with previous expectations of a £600,000 profit. The share price fell 14.4% to 110p.

Wine maker Chapel Down Group (LON: CDGP) increased interim revenues by 4% to £6.88m. Sparkling wine revenues were 35% higher. Pre-tax profit improved by 6% to £489,000. The company started harvesting in August and a strong yield is anticipated. The share price fell 7.55% to 24.5p.

KR1 (LON: KR1) is not immune to the decline in values of digital assets. The value of intangible assets fell by £155.5m in the period, which more than offset realised gains of £2.5m and income of £16.6m. Net assets have declined by nearly three-quarters and NAV is 30.6p a share. The share price fell 6.58% to 35.5p.

ProBiotix Health (LON: PBX) generated sales of £306,000, down £537,000 in the first half of 2022. Orders worth £1.12m have been received since the beginning of the year, so the second half revenues should be stronger, as well as higher than last year. The share price slipped 6.25% to 22.5p.

In the six months to June 2022, the value of the equity stakes held by Cadence Minerals (LON: KDNC) fell from £12m to £5.75m. The main decline was in the value of the stake in AIM-quoted European Metals Holdings. There was £1.99m in the bank at the end of the period. The shares declined 5.76% to 9.4p.

NFT Investments (LON: NFT) has been hit by a reduction in the value of cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin. That means that NAV has fallen to £30.1m, including £20.4m in cash. There was a revaluation reduction of £265,000, but that was offset by exchange gains of £362,000, leaving the value of investments at £6.47m. At 0.91p, down 4.21% on the week, the share price is less than one-third of the NAV of 3p a share.

Screwless spinal stabilisation systems developer TruSpine Technologies (LON: TSP) had £3,471 in cash at the end of March 2022. There was a £390,000 cash outflow from operating activities and £1m of development spending capitalised. TruSpine subsequently entered into a funding agreement with Proffitt Brothers and $100,000 has been received. The shares fell 3.33% to 4.35p.

Helium Ventures (LON: HEV) is considering widening its investment strategy because of the lack of suitable helium investments. If a suitable acquisition is identified, then shareholders would be asked for their approval. The shares slipped 2.26% to 6.5p.

Kent brewer Shepherd Neame (LON: SHEP) returned to profit in the year to June 2022. The total dividend is 18.5p a share. Net assets increased from 1140p a share to 1194p a share, while net debt is back to pre-pandemic levels at £75.3m. Pubs and hotel revenues are still lower than in 2018-19. Beer volumes have more than recovered, although own beer volumes are 8% lower than three years ago. In the 13 weeks to 24 September 2022, like-for-like retail sales are 9% ahead, while own beer volumes were 1.2% higher – including a 14% improvement in own beer volumes. There was a 1.5% decline in the share price to 670p.

Property investor Ace Liberty & Stone (LON: ALSP) increased pre-tax profit by 49% to £2.07m in the year to April 2022. Net assets are 6% higher at £34m. Net debt has reduced from £54.8m to £44.6m. A dividend of 3.4p a share has been announced that will cost £2m. The share price fell 1.45% to 68p, valuing the company at £40.7m.

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