Natural language processing company Cykel AI (LON: CYK) joined the Aquis Stock Exchange on Wednesday. It raised £1m at 3p/share and the shares ended the week at 10.25p. There was initially significant buying of the shares, but trading levels dwindled over the week so there was only one sale of 100,000 shares at 10p each on Friday.
Lift Global Ventures (LON: LFT) is the worst performer on the Aquis Stock Exchange this week with a 57.7% fall to 0.275p (0.25p/0.3p). Three sales on Tuesday hit the share price. There were two sales of 100,000 shares at 0.5p each and one of 500,000 shares at 0.4p each.
Gunsynd (LON: GUN) investee company Omega Oil and Gas estimates maiden gross 2C contingent resources of 1.73 trillion cubic feet of gas in its area in Queensland’s Taroom Trough. The next phase of exploration includes a horizontal well. The $21m raised in August will finance this next stage of exploration. The share price declined 10% to 0.225p.
Ananda Developments (LON: ANA) made an interim loss of £990,000. There was cash of nearly £12,000 at the end of July 2023. Since the end of the period, operations at the cannabis cultivation facility were paused to reduce cash burn. The share price slipped 7.02% to 0.265p.
Cooks Coffee (LON: COOK) has appointed RSM as administrator to its Triple Two coffee shop franchise business. There are currently eleven stores, which are trading poorly. The Esquires chain is trading well and will not be affected. The share price fell 5.88% to 16p.
SulNOx Group (LON: SNOX) says that fuel savings of more than 5% have been verified for seagoing vessels with a two-stroke engine when fuel conditioner SulNOxEco. This will help to increase interest from shipping companies. The share price dipped 5.45% to 26p.
Arbuthnot Banking Group (LON: ARBB) non-exec Jayne Almond has acquired 3,000 shares at 895p each and her husband bought 5,617 shares at 890p each. The share price is 4.22% lower at 907.5p.
Cadence Minerals (LON: KDNC) reported a reduction in loss from £5.05m to £1.95m. Net cash was £580,000 at the end of June 2023, while NAV was £19.5m. The share price slipped 1.87% to 5.25p.