Christmas shopping supermarket survey

Win 1 of 5 Christmas Hampers!

Completing this survey will only take around two minutes and you will be entered into the draw for a Wine, Cheese and Pate Christmas Hamper.

There are five to be won, the draw will take place 15th December.

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By completing this questionnaire you will not only be in for the chance to win a range of Christmas treats, but you will assist in researching how supermarkets will perform in this year’s Christmas reporting season in January.

The Top Four supermarkets are coming under increasing pressure from discount stores Aldi and Lidl who now combined have a market share of 10%.

This questionnaire is an extension of a study we conducted earlier this year that found shoppers were changing their habits and falling out of love with major supermarkets in a big way.

Scandals, price wars and food price deflation are forcing listed supermarkets such as Sainsbury, Morrison and Tesco into a corner and earnings are suffering.

Following each of their latest performance reports, supermarkets have experience a negative share price reaction adding to a dismal downtrend over the past year.

The results of this survey will give investors an insight into Christmas shopping trends before major supermarkets report Christmas trading in January and could prove vital information as supermarket shares continue their decline.