Donald Trump is set to outline an economic plan designed to appeal to working class Americans on Monday, despite the recent appointment of five of his wealthiest donors as economic advisors.
Trump’s PR team are no doubt hoping that the speech can help regain a little a credibility for the campaign, following a disastrous week in which Trump became embroiled in a fight with the Muslim parents of an American soldier killed in Iraq. Set to start at 12PM EDT at Detroit Economic Club, Trump is due to outline his plans for the US economy, including a freeze on new rules for banks and a repeal of the inheritance tax on estates larger than $5.45 million.
Trump appoints economic advisors
However, many will be watching the speech with a certain degree of scepticism – Trump’s speech will attempt to appeal to the working classes, despite simultaneously announcing a cut in corporate tax from the current rate of 35 percent to just 15 percent. With the appointment of five major donors – whose donations range between $339,400 and $449,400, and all of which are men – as his economic advisors, it seems unlikely that the working classes will get much of a look in.Trump v. Clinton
Donald Trump also plans to announce a moratorium on new financial regulations, as well as regulatory relief for small businesses. Trump has carefully chosen Detroit, the derelict home of the American car industry, in order to highlight the differences between his and Hillary Clinton’s economic policy:
She’s the candidate of the past and ours is the campaign of the future,” Trump will say, “Every policy that has failed Detroit has been fully supported by Hillary Clinton. The one common feature of every Hillary Clinton idea is that it punishes you from working and doing business in the United States.”