
Edison Group confirms senior appointments to drive technology and ESG expansion

Edison Group continues its expansion following a successful year

Edison Group, the international research and investor relations consultancy, confirmed on Monday that it has hired Paul Miller as CTO and Kelly Perry as head of ESG Client Services.

Paul Miller specialises in technology solutions, data management, e-commerce, and business process improvements, as well as founding a selling a number of companies. Miller has also consulted for and advised various companies undergoing technology transformations.

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Miller’s role will involve overseeing the technology side of the company as it undergoes its own digital transformation, Edison said in a statement today.

Paul Miller, CTO, Edison Group, commented: “In today’s market, technology is at the cornerstone of any business. For a company like Edison, it is critical to ensure clients, readers, and other stakeholders are able to access the valuable market information they need in a timely manner, all the while making all the internal processes as efficient and smooth as possible.”

Kelly Perry joined Edison from the London Stock Exchange, where she focused on privates markets fundraising, in addition to being a member of WIN (Women inspired Network).

Before her time at the London Stock Exchange, Perry worked at Cowen and Company, leading Corporate Access across the US and Europe. She is also actively engaged with the CFA Institute ‘ESG Investing’ programme.

The appointment of Kelly Perry to head of ESG Client Services falls closely with Edison Group’s continued expansion and focus on its ESG offering.

In her role, Kelly will lead the firm’s efforts to commercialise ESG solutions and integrate them across existing Research and Investor Relations, Edison said in a statement on Monday.

Kelly Perry, Head of ESG Client Services, Edison Group said: “ESG is the fastest growing area of Capital Markets, with ESG funds on track to hold more assets under management than their non-ESG counterparts by 2025. Rapidly becoming one of the most important factors for companies when engaging with investors.”

“As scrutiny around ESG shows no sign of slowing, financial market participants will continue to hold sustainability at the centre of their decision making,” Perry added.

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