Recruitment consultancy Global Career Company are seeking a £100,000 investment on Crowd2Fund.com, in order to expand business activity in the African market.
Africa’s business environment has continued to excel in recent years and is predicted to have the largest workforce by 2035. Global Career Company started in 2002, originally focusing on the South African recruitment market. With the end of the apartheid, founders Rupert and Sarah Adcock spotted an opportunity to connect businesses seeking diversity with the diaspora of South African professionals wanting to return.
Its service now incorporates markets all over the world, with the current revenue being led by Africa (77%), and followed by MENA (11%) and Asia (10%). Since its inception, Global Careers Company has consistently achieved gross margins of 75%-85%, and an EBITDA of 15%. The range of recruitment services offered by Global Careers Company include Recruitment Summits, Search & Selection, Digital Recruitment Marketing, Recruitment Campaigns and Talent Insight. The company’s strategic focus is based on growing and maintaining a global talent pool, which allows them to recruit high calibre and high potential emerging market talent from around the world.
The funds raised on Crowd2Fund will be exclusively used for growing the African part of the business, specifically rolling out business activity in Lagos and Abidjan with the “Introducing Talent Agenda” series. This will be focussed on investment into digital assets, events and marketing activity.
Sara Adcock says, “We will invest in running events in multiple locations around Africa, adding to the existing portfolio by moving into markets we have not previously visited. We will also be investing in an enhanced sales and marketing programme, which will better showcase our portfolio and support commercial outreach.”
The African market is currently worth $50 billion, and the company chose to seek their growth funds on Crowd2Fund in order to allow their user base to participate in their future success.
“Crowdfunding makes sense for us because our user base is significant and engaged with what we do. We hope that our user base will support us to row, and we want them to be the beneficiaries of that growth.”
Global Career Company chose Crowd2Fund as their platform due to its ability to help them build an investor team and run a marketing campaign to generate awareness for the business, something the other platforms don’t offer.