Home News Government propose to close remaining coal stations by 2025

Government propose to close remaining coal stations by 2025

Government propose to close remaining coal stations by 2025

Energy Secretary Amber Rudd has announced a proposal to close the UK’s remaining coal-fired power plants, in a bid to move towards more environmentally friendly forms of energy.

Tightening EU legislation on emissions and an uneconomical energy prices means that, although a third of Britain’s electricity is currently provided by coal, all remaining coal power plants willl be closed by 2025.

Rudd said in a statement today:

“Frankly, it cannot be satisfactory for an advanced economy like the UK to be relying on polluting, carbon-intensive 50-year-old coal-fired power stations. Let me be clear: this is not the future.

“We need to build a new energy infrastructure, fit for the 21st century.”

Despite the controversy surrounding nuclear energy, the government’s preferred direction for energy policy is nuclear energy and lower-carbon gas power plants; which will enable it to meet EU emissions targets by 2050. Gas plants emit almost half the amount of carbon dioxide per megawatt produced as coal plants.
