
Joe Biden pledges to cutting US carbon emissions by 50% by 2030

Other leaders from around the world made commitments to reduce emissions

Joe Biden announced yesterday that America is committed to halving its carbon emissions by 2030.

The President made the pledge during a global summit where the world’s leaders met virtually.

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Biden began his address by saying: “The science is undeniable.”

“The cost of inaction just keeps mounting… we have to step up,” he added.

Since Biden replaced Trump in January 2021 he haas made a concerted effort to put climate change at the forefront of the nation’s agenda. The pledge is goes further than previous commitments by nearly double.

Biden continued: “Scientists tell us this is the decisive decade. This is the decade we must make decisions that will avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis.”

Biden delivered a warning that it would be up to nations to come together to to solve the climate crisis.

“This is a moral imperative and an economic imperative… but also a moment of extraordinary possibilities.”

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson heaped praise on the move by the US President.

“It is vital for all of us to show that this is not all about some expensive, politically-correct green act of bunny hugging,” Johnson said.

“Let’s use this extraordinary moment and the incredible technology we are working on, to make this decade the moment of decisive change in the fight against climate change – and let’s do it together.”

The President of China Xi Jinping, who has come under much scrutiny over his country’s emissions, also spoke at the summit.

“strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060,” Xi said.

He added: “Mother nature has nourished us and we must treat nature as our root – respect it, protect it.”

President Joe Biden will also put forward a plan to raise taxes on America’s wealthiest people, including the largest-ever rise on taxes on investment gains.

The proposal is aimed at funding $1trn in childcare, universal pre-kindergarten education and paid leave for workers, Reuters reported.

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