
Startupbootcamp launches IPO to fund ecosystem of sustainable innovators

Startupbootcamp to accelerate 30 startups in effort to assist UN sustainable development goals

Startupbootcamp, a global accelerator, is set to go live with its second initial public offering (IPO).

The funding raised will be allocated to accelerating 30 sustainable startups in an effort to assist in achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals.

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This follows the Dutch government recognising Startupbootcamp’s achievements in early February, when the government awarded them the One Single Hub subsidy to further their efforts in growing innovative businesses.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has made it clear that 2021 is a crucial year for climate change and achieving essential sustainability goals, saying the following in a recent briefing to UN member states.

“The world remains way off target in staying within the 1.5-degree limit of the Paris Agreement. This is why we need more ambition, more ambition on mitigation, ambition on adaptation, and ambition on finance,” said Guterres.

Businesses around the world are making it clear they have this ambition, as the global Green Technology and Sustainability market is forecast to grow from $11.2bn in 2020 to $36.6m in 2025.

The startup industry is also seeing rapid growth in regards to sustainable development, largely due to the dramatic growth of impact investing, growing 42% from 2019 to 2020 to the significant sum of $715bn.

The network of startup accelerators is launching its own program this year: Startupbootcamp: Sustainability.

Director of Startupbootcamp Kauan von Novak said: “Startupbootcamp works because it is more than just an accelerator, it is a global ecosystem, essential in creating the collaborations we need to see to solve some of the worlds biggest problems.  It is fantastic to see that the Dutch government has also recognized this, awarding us with the One Single Hub subsidy. With this national support, we can continue to accelerate innovative businesses and grow a supportive network that can tackle sustainability.”

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