
TelosNRG launches bespoke ESG package for renewables

UK-based sustainable energy service provider TelosNRG has announced the launch of a bespoke “ESG package” for the renewables industry, designed to help energy sector companies understand and measure their current ESG performance against key markers of progress.

The service will involve utilising Telos’ expertise in ESG credentials to advise companies on the performance of their own investments. Telos will then “continue to provide support to adapt and implement required processes and measures” as clients proceed to improve the ESG success of their stocks.

Telos founder and managing director, Nicol Shepherd, welcomed the launch and explained the direction of the project: 

“We have used our internal resources to undertake a comprehensive review of our own ESG credentials and feel the expertise we have developed should be shared with others. We consider that the experience gained during this process provides us with a unique advantage providing bespoke ESG offerings.

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“As a growing company, we will initially focus our ESG efforts helping SMEs working within the energy sector, globally.”

TelosNRG director responsible for ESG, Angus Miller, added:

“We recognised at an early stage that ESG would become a key factor in how a company is judged, not just by shareholders but by a broader set of stakeholders. Without a decent ESG rating, companies, especially in the energy sector, will be unable to attract finance. 

“As important, companies will find it increasingly difficult to attract staff as people become more aware and invested in the impact their company has on all aspects of modern life”.

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