Eneraqua Technologies secure two net water neutrality contracts

Eneraqua Technologies shares were up 0.7% to 270p in late morning trading on Friday, after the company confirmed it had been awarded two English local authority contracts to deliver net water neutrality pilot programmes in the area.

The group announced that the contracts would see its Cenergist subsidiary supply and install Control Flow HL2024 systems in existing homes to improve water efficiency.

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Eneraqua Technologies confirmed that the saved water would be used by new homes built in the region, which is set to address local water stress issues.

According to the firm, the contracts would be the first use of Control Flow HL2024 products in a net water neutrality programme. The product reportedly has proven water savings of up to 26% in existing homes.

The company commented that it developed the technology to tackle the growing problem of water stress as climate change begins to affect many areas across the UK, and is expected to worsen over the coming years.

“Control Flow HL2024 is a proven product and we are delighted that it has been chosen for these water neutrality programmes,” said Eneraqua Technologies CEO Mitesh Dhanak.

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“This approach provides a cost-effective solution for new build homes in water stress areas.  As well as the UK, water stress affects many areas in Europe and internationally.”

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