Results from the Ipsos Mori telephone survey were released today showing that of the 1,023 adults asked, 49% would vote on the June 23 to remain part of the EU, compared to 41% who plan on voting to leave.
The poll also found that 83% of the 200 firms owned by venture capital investors believed that remaining within the EU would be best for their companies. This poll comes shortly after nearly 200 businesses called on the British population to vote to stay in the EU in a letter published in The Times newspaper, where they voiced concerns that leaving the EU could hurt the British workforce. Signatories of this letter included BT, Vodaphone, Marks & Spencer and RyanAir.
The Ipsos Mori poll was conducted between March 19 and March 22 so therefore does not reflect any change in voting intentions following the bombings in Brussels on March 22, killing 35 people.