Scaling an award-winning brewery that makes music better with Signature Brew

The UK Investor Magazine was delighted to be joined by Tom Bott, Managing Director & Co-Founder at Signature Brew, to delve into the company’s current Seedrs crowdfunding round.

Signature Brew was founded by a brewer and a musician with a mission, brew beer that makes music better.

Signature Brew has established a thriving brewery and music venus business which is set to generate over £5m in revenue in 2023. The company has achieved their success by forging relationships with musicians and music venues to deliver an all-encompassing service to music lovers.

Signature Brew is currently crowdfunding on Seedrs and enjoying strong investor interest, surpassing its initial target.

Visit Seedrs Crowdfunding Page.

Tom discusses the importance of reaching the £10m revenue milestone and how it quickly attracts the interest of global brewers who may be interested in adding Signature Brew to their portfolios.

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