Theresa May will invest £2bn in housing associations to build tens of thousands of affordable homes in England.
In 2022, the £2bn programme will become available to housing associations.
In her address at a National Housing Federation summit, May underlined the “stigma” that still “clings” to social homes. Rather, the PM hopes to see citizens that are “proud” of their council housing.
In her speech, Theresa May said:
“And today, I can announce that new longer-term partnerships will be opened up … through a ground-breaking £2bn initiative.”
“Under the scheme, associations will be able to apply for funding stretching as far ahead as 2028/29”
She cotinued to add that this was “the first time any government has offered housing associations such long-term certainty.”
“Doing so will give you the stability you need to get tens of thousands of affordable and social homes built where they are needed most, and make it easier for you to leverage the private finance you need to build many more.”
Furthermore, Theresa May addressed the social attitudes towards council housing:
“For many people, a certain stigma still clings to social housing.”
“Some residents feel marginalised and overlooked, and are ashamed to share the fact that their home belongs to a housing association or local authority.”
“And on the outside, many people in society – including too many politicians – continue to look down on social housing and, by extension, the people who call it their home.”
“I want to see social housing that is so good people are proud to call it their home… Our friends and neighbours who live in social housing are not second-rate citizens.”