Lombard Odier: Our Natural Capital fund will “deliver strong growth”

Last month saw Lombard Odier launch a Natural Capital strategy, allowing the opportunity to invest in public companies that focus on the regenerative power of nature; Natural Capital.

According to the global wealth and asset manager, Natural Capital “will deliver strong growth and become the winners of the future.”

The fund was developed by Lombard Odier in partnership with the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance, established under the Prince of Wales’ Sustainable Markets Initiative and will connect investors to sustainable investable solutions, leading to a “nature positive economy”.

“Nature is the most productive asset of our economy. We rely on nature directly and indirectly across multiple sectors, including healthcare, agriculture, industrials, tourism and real estate. With eight billion people on the planet, our linear take-make-waste economic model is now dangerously depleting this most productive asset, despite its regenerative nature. This is a risk for our global economic activity,” said Lombard Odier.

“Preserving nature means shifting towards greater circularity in our production and consumption model as well as eliminating waste in our industrial activities. This is about creating a much leaner form of industry, or in other words about more efficient use of resources, a shift in our consumption model and about zero waste strategies.”

The fund was launched by Lombard Odier in November at an event hosted by The Prince of Wales.

Commenting on the Natural Capital strategy, Prince Charles said: “We need to accelerate our efforts and set the course for a sustainable future rooted in a new economic model – in other words, a circular bioeconomy that puts Nature and the restoration of Natural Capital at the centre of the entire process. Building a sustainable future is, in fact, the growth story of our time. If we are to drive global economic growth, it is imperative that we value and invest in our natural capital. This is why I am enormously encouraged to see that, under my Sustainable Markets Initiative, the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance is working hand-in-hand to support the Natural Capital Strategy developed by Lombard Odier.”

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