Greek Interior Minister says Greece has run out of money

The Greek interior minister Nikos Voutsis has today said what most economist have feared for a long time now, Greece will be unable to pay money due to The IMF in June. Mr Voutsis said Greece simply does not have the money to hand over. The announcement has come after weeks of fruitless discussions between Greece and the IMF, EU and ECB over how Greece is going to service its EUR320 billion debt mountain. Many, including some from within the Greek government say Greece will never be able to repay creditors. Greece is due to repay 4 instalments of EUR 1.6billion to the IMF throughout June, the first being on 5th June. The latest development brings a potential ‘Grexit’ closer and increases the probability of significant market turbulence in the coming weeks. “It would be a disaster for everyone involved,” said Greek finance minister Mr Varoufakis

Top Ten Investing Mistakes

  1. Lack of a strategy
When making an investment write down the reasons why you are placing your hard earned cash in the hands of CEOs that you have never met. It is important to be clear why you are entering an investment, when you plan to exit the investment and any factors that may cause you to rethink your initial strategy.
  1. Not cutting Loses
Crystallising a loss is notoriously difficult for inexperienced and unseasoned investors. There are graveyards full of investors that were unable to manage the downside risk of their portfolios and racked up heavy losses as a result. The hope that a share price will rebound is all too much for many investors as they watch a bad position become increasingly worse. Having a system in place to stop losers in their track is imperative.