Trinity Place – Leeds UK
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Trinity Place comprises of 94 purpose built ensuite, studio and 1 bed student apartments within walking distance of The University of Leeds. With over 70,000 students and a significant short fall of purpose built accommodation, rental demand for this asset class is strong over the long term. Developer is offering 8% NET rental returns for three years as part of a fully managed hassle free investment vehicle. Construction already underway with completion scheduled for Q3 2016
10 minutes walk from University and Leeds City Centre
Investment Highlights
⇒ Final availability remaining at £55,995
⇒ 3 years 8% NET rental agreement in place
⇒ Fully managed and hassle free for investor buyers
⇒ Brand new complete with social room, fitness gym and BBQ area
⇒Fully-furnished, self-contained apartments with private kitchens and bathrooms
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